Since January 1 of this year, the Corporate Stabilization and Restructuring Act (StaRUG) has been mandatory for all companies in Germany. Among other things, it regulates early crisis detection, the restructuring plan and influences the effective tasks of a risk management system. Against this background, it is very gratifying that our cyber security consultants, having successfully passed the ISO 31000 examination, can now support customers and their companies even more professionally in complying with the associated obligations as TÜV-certified risk managers.
Risk management expertise benefits companies
With the ISO 31000 certification, the safety experts of Sulzer GmbH prove that they are familiar with all necessary measures for risk identification, assessment and control as well as mastering proven assessment methods and analysis techniques. “First and foremost, the companies we advise benefit from the certification,” says Michael Kirsch, Head of Corporate Development Cyber Security at Sulzer GmbH, and continues: “With the passing of StaRUG, new obligations have come upon entrepreneurs. In the course of TISAX® and ISO 27001 consulting, we can now support them even better in properly assessing and managing risks and opportunities.” In addition to risk management, Sulzer offers companies many other professional IT services. Are you a service provider or supplier in the automotive industry interested in information security services? Learn more.
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Our Cyber Security Team will be happy to inform you.