Since this year, Sulzer has had the Corporate Volunteering Program, which is intended to promote the social commitment of Sulzer employees. The aim is to enable you to do voluntary work.
What is corporate volunteering and what is it for?
With our Corporate Volunteering program, we would like to promote social commitment at Sulzer. Our employees can apply for one volunteer day per year for voluntary activities. They are released by us for their volunteer activities. In this context, we understand volunteering to be all activities that are voluntary and unpaid and thereby serve to promote society and the environment. In line with the mission statement, we would like to create scope for personal and sustainable development on the one hand and promote Sulzer’s activities on the social level on the other.
Why all this?
„Shortly after the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley, we were there to help,“ say Meike Kunz and Melanie Marx from the Sulzer branch in Munich. Both have been involved in helping the homeless or caring for children, among other things, for years.
„You can help others who are not doing so well. It’s tremendous fun and you can give something back,“ the two 27-year-olds said. „It always touches you when you help people whose livelihoods are threatened and you can share with them. Just the gratitude you feel, because people realize someone is taking time for them, is incredibly motivating.“
As part of the Sulzer Corporate Volunteering Program, both were active for one day at the Moosach Ark. „Up to 60 children and young people between the ages of five and 18 are cared for there every day. Here, they receive a full, hot meal free of charge every day, homework support and school tutoring, and can take part in open and fixed leisure activities.
„On our volunteer day, we were able to help with homework supervision and cleaning up the clothes closets, as well as doing crafts / playing games together with the children. We also assisted with preparation for the summer party and with writing job applications.“
Courage to change perspective
Commitment that is also honored and supported by Susanne Schick, daughter of the company’s founder Hans Sulzer: „Many great projects in your city can only be kept alive, further developed and successfully carried out through voluntary commitment. At the same time, volunteering offers you the opportunity for a change of perspective and you can gain valuable experience for yourself personally. Thus I see in the honorary office a give and take. Give yourselves nevertheless simply times with a honorary office day , addresses it to the staff.
In the meantime, many employees are getting involved in a wide variety of areas as part of the Volunteer Day. Among other things, they help:
- In the parents‘ council in the KiTa
- In the placement of Ukrainian refugees
- In a foster home for cats
- As a youth leader in the folk and mountain costume association
- At the Munich volunteer e.V.
- At the Elbkirche Magdeburg
- At the volunteer fire brigade
Volunteering helps those who need help and we at Sulzer know that even the small gestures, like a smile or a thank you are sometimes enough to make all the difference. Therefore, a big thank you to our employees for volunteering their time to help the community.
If you have any questions about corporate volunteering, please feel free to contact: [email protected]