FAQ: The management method OKR
FAQ: The management method OKR

FAQ: The management method OKR

Find answers to your questions in an interview with Susanne Mack, OKR Master and Agile Coach at Sulzer

In an interview with Susanne Mack, we give you answers to the most frequently asked questions about the management method OKR. In her expert role, she provides interesting theoretical insights and shows in a practical way under which conditions the use of OKR is suitable.

How is OKR defined in an agile context?

Objectives & Key Results (OKR) is an agile framework and continuous process for critical thinking, designed to ensure that employees work better, more motivated and more effectively with one another, stay focused and make measurable contributions to move the organization forward – always in the direction of the vision.

What does OKR differ from other target definitions?

If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother to teach them. Instead, give them a tool that will lead to new ways of thinking when applied“. – R. Buckminster Fuller


The framework closes the implementation gap between the vision and the strategy derived from it. At the same time, it can also be seen as a catalyst for innovation, employee development and cultural change. At the same time, it is also a catalyst for innovation, employee development and cultural change, because OKRs combine strategies with results, consciously promoting creativity, intrinsic motivation and the freedom of employees and teams to reach agreements.

What are ideal conditions for the introduction of OKR?

Like all agile frameworks, OKR needs the agile framework or the „buy in“ of the management. In addition to the mindset, time, financial and infrastructural resources are required for planning and implementation.

Which "trip hazards" should be considered?

Implementation requires trust, transparency, courage, openness and patience – these are decisive factors for success as an innovative company in the VUCA world and the associated challenges.

What are wrong assumptions about OKR?

  • Instrument for individual compensation
  • Control system
  • Project Management Tool
  • Micromanagement Tool
  • Resource management

What are the advantages for the organisation if you decide to implement it?

  • Employees are involved in the strategic implementation, through participation and self-determination the employee feels a sense of belonging, personal responsibility and intrinsic motivation increase
  • Employees identify themselves with the overall purpose
  • Achievement of objectives / productivity increases
  • Structured target agreement process is easy to understand and provides orientation
  • Expectations for the tasks of the employees are clear and precise
  • Internal company communication is improved through transparency
  • Goals and performance indicators are linked throughout the organization (no redundancies)

In which phase of a transformation should you start with OKR?

OKR is a good tool that supports agile transformation significantly. In the context of an agile transformation, the vision or purpose of a company is brought more into focus. The iterative approach is therefore a permanent and continuous feedback loop for the company and serves as an orientation or pull for the employees.

Learn more about the management method OKR and its benefits for your company

Our agile experts are happy to inform and support you.

Michael Henninger, Project Management and Agile
Michael Henninger
Project Management and Agile